Oh, what a week! Moved into the new apartment, friends and family visiting from out of town, the first day of spring on a snowy day, and a wedding too! I still don't have the internet at home, so as I sip on a beverage I am updating from down the block. Our new apartment is quite frankly.., probably better than yours. ;) Well, maybe not but it's pretty d**n awesome. I keep moving from room to room thinking, "This room rules.., it's my favorite!" Then I walk into another room, and say to myself, "Hmm.., I love this room. Maybe this is my favorite!" In any case, we love it and love decorating and debating where Davey will hang his Cure poster and where I will hang my Baltic Tapestries (I don't actually have them, yet. But I'm working on it). Good thing we both have a good sense of humor.
This is an image of a bouquet I made for our kitchen in one of the glorious milk glass vases I boast about. It is filled with peonies (one of my three favs), fritillaria (That looks like a ska kind of thing), olive branches, dogwood (!!!), and anemones.., of course!
Also, a beautiful bouquet and centerpiece for Alizah whose wedding was yesterday on the world's gloomiest first day of spring! Peach finesse roses, anemones, begonia foliage (Cut from one of my house plants), scrub ivy, peonies, ranunculus.., oh, it's like a springtime orgasm! Eep! :)